At Oakley Trucking, our service driven approach to transportation has allowed us to create a network of customers that covers the entire country. With one of the largest footprints in the Dry Bulk Industry we can provide dedicated year-round service to meet our customer’s needs and can also react to spot freight due to rail or river delays faster than anyone else in the business. When paired with Oakley’s Multiple River Terminals and Rail Spurs, we can provide rail-to-truck, truck-to-rail, barge-to-truck and truck-to-barge, barge-to-storage and storage-to-truck with one point of contact.
Capacity: 250 Pneumatic Tanks
Equipment: Vacuum Pneumatics and Straight Pneumatics
Loading Capabilities: Top Load or Vacuum Pneumatic Load
Unloading Capabilities: Bottom Drop or Unload Pneumatically
Service Area: All 48 States and Canada
Capacity: 250 Hopper Trailers
Equipment: Standard Aluminum Hoppers
Unloading Capabilities: Control Flow Bottom Drop
Service Area: All 48 States and Canada
Capacity: 450 End Dumps
Equipment: Aluminum and Steel Trailers
Unloading Capabilities: Control Flow, Regular Dump, Dock Unload
Service Area: All 48 States and Canada
For Logistical Quotes Utilizing Multiple Modes of Transportation (Terminal, Truck, Rail, Tans-Load, Storage, Barge, Vessel)
Bruce Oakley, Inc. | 3400 GRIBBLE STREET, NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR 72114 | 501-945-0875 | 800-662-0875 | Fax 501-945-5722
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